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2024-2025全港公路繞圈賽 - 第一回合 - 蒲崗村道公園
2024-2025全港公路繞圈賽 - 第一回合 - 蒲崗村道公園
2024-2025全港公路繞圈賽 - 第一回合 - 蒲崗村道公園
活動編號: LRC-2425-20240602
活動狀態: 現貨產品

2024-25全港公路繞圈賽 - 1回合 - 蒲崗村道公園(2nd June 2024)

2024-25 Hong Kong Road Criterium Race - Series 1 Po Kong Village Road Park 

 時間 Time: 09:00 - 16:00

組別Race Category




Open ≥Age 16

30km (30 laps)


Riders can participants either Challenge OR Open


Challenge ≥Age 17

14km (14 laps)

少年 11-13

Youth Age 11-13

10km (10 laps)

少年 14-16

Youth Age 14-16

10km (10 laps)

青年 17-18

Junior Age 17-18

12km (12 laps)



Riders can join one or more race category.

(Extra entry fee is required.)


Master Age 30-39

12km (12 laps)


Master Age 40-49

12km (12 laps)


Master Age 50 or above

12km (12 laps)

女子少年 11-13

Women Youth Age 11-13

10km (10 laps)

女子少年 14-16

Women Youth Age 14-16

10km (10 laps)


Women Junior Age 17-18

10km (10 laps)

女子公開組 (16歲或以上)

Women Open ≥ Age 16

10km (10 laps)

賽事需知 : 

  1. 所有16歲或以下運動員必須於賽前15分鐘檢查單車,齒輪比必須乎合UCI規定。
    All riders aged 16 or below must proceed to bike check 15 minutes before race, for checking the maximum gear ratio, the ratio must comply with UCI rules. *Riders allowed to lock the cassette during this race.

  2. 截止日期為2024年5月17日下午6,參賽者可親臨或郵寄報名(以郵戳日期為準), 請注意總會現時只接受以劃線支票抬頭「中國香港單車總會有限公司」遞交。報名是以同時收到比賽報名表與報名費為準。如申請人未能提供所有資料, 申請將不獲處理。不設即場報名。
    The enrollment deadline is 18:00 2024/5/17. Race registration must be done by submitting the duly completed entry form and cheque to the Association or via the online registration system before the deadline. Please note that The Cycling of Hong Kong, China Limited only accepts a crossed cheque payable to "The Cycling Association of Hong Kong, China Limited" for race registration in person or by mail (postmark date on the envelope will be regarded as the application date). Your application will not be accepted if the form is not duly completed. On-spot enrollment is not available. 

  3. 參賽者亦可使用網上報名系統, 以信用卡繳交報名費。
    Participants can also use the online registration system to pay the entry fee by credit card.

  4. 參賽者必須是2024-25賽季已繳交保險費之註冊會員。
    Applicant must be a registered member of the Association who had paid the insurance fee for the 2024-25 racing season.

  5. 各年齡組別以2024年減去出生年份計算。
    Age groups are calculated by subtracting 2024 by the year of birth.

  6. 建議參賽者儲存或列印”確認報名”之頁面, 如發現出賽表與報名有別, 請參賽者提供上述頁面以茲證明。
    Participants are recommended to save or print “Confirmation” page for confirmation if the start sheet is different from your registration.

  7. 截止日期一過, 不得作任何更改及不設退款。
    No changes nor refund can be made after the deadline.

  8. 名額有限,先到先得。
    Race quotas are available on a first-come-first-served basis. 

  9. 運動員必須在出賽表指定時間前到起點簽到、領取號碼布及車架牌。
    Riders must arrive in the specified time shown on start sheet to sign on, collect number cloths and frame plate and proceed bike check (if needed).

  10. 運動員不得在行人路上騎單車及熱身。
    All members cannot ride on the pedestrian pavement.

  11. 比賽如因天氣情況取消,無論取消賽事是在開賽前或開賽後,報名費及交通費一律不會退還,因賽前組織及後勤工作如封路工程、租用旅巴、貨車等已展開及支付。
    If the race is cancelled due to the inclement weather, entry fee and transportation fee are non-refundable as expenditures on pre-race organization work and logistic such as road closure work, hiring of coach and truck, etc. have already been incurred and paid.

  12. 公開組設有獎金;冠軍二百元正、亞軍一百五十元正及季軍一百元正。
    Price Money will be awarded for Open Group Winners. Champion HKD 200, 1st Runner Up HKD 150 and 2nd Runner Up HKD 100.

  13. 公路比賽時必須使用車架牌扣以將車架牌扣於單車上。比賽期間,車架牌必須清晰易見,不能蓄意隱藏。
    Frame plate holder must be used to secure the frame plate during all road races. Frame plate must be clearly shown during the race.


Install at


Under seat



At rear brake


(1)公開 (2)青年 (3)元老組30-34歲 (4)元老組35-39歲 (5)挑戰組 (6) 元老組40-44歲 (7) 元老組45-49歲(8) 元老組50歲或以上 (9) 少年14-16歲(10) 少年11-13歲 (11) 女子19-29歲 (12) 女子青年 (13) 女子元老組30-39歲 (14) 女子元老組40-49歲 (15) 女子元老組50歲或以上 (16) 女子少年14-16歲 (17) 女子少年11-13歲         

If the no. of participant for each category is less than 5, the related categories will merge with the upper category according to the following order:

(1) Open (2) Junior (3) Master Age 30-34 (4) Master Age 35-39 (5) Challenge (6) Master Age 40-44

(7) Master Age 45-49 (8) Master Age 50 or above         (9) Youth Age 14-16 (10) Youth Age 11-13 (11) Women Age 19-29 (12) Junior Women (13) Women Master 30-39 (14) Women Master 40-49 (15) Women Master 50 or above         (16) Women Youth Age 14-16 (17) Women Youth Age 11-13